A half hour with the Bing sidebar at my beck and call, riding with me as I skipped along through the Hyperlinked World, brought the idea of a digital assistant closer to reality. Bing sidebar initially gave me the choice of three “creativity” settings, known in AI terminology as “temperature” — determining how much creativity the sentence completion engine should inject randomness into its answers. I chose “Precision”, meaning the least amount of creativity and the most veracity (hopefully). If you’re old enough, you’ll remember Sgt Joe Friday’s line, “Just the Facts, Ma’am.” And Bing sidebar diligently summarizes and gives it reports with footnoted links to the original sources.
Author: KDR
Essaying Towards Understanding
An essay is something you write to try to figure something out. Paul Graham, “The Age of the Essay” When I think of this blog, and its tagline “Writing and Learning at the Margin”, I immediately think, “Wow, I really never publish on this blog.” Of course, I’m always writing and learning the margin. Everyday…
Eternal Spring: A Triumph of Peaceful Spirit Against Tyranny
Eternal Spring is a new documentary about the Falun Gong movement’s struggle against oppression in the Chinese city of Changchun, which translates to “Eternal Spring”. The story centers on a group of Falun Gong practitioners who pull off a dangerous conspiracy to hijack Chinese state TV in Changchun to set the record straight on their…
Próspera: An economic platform for entrepreneurship
Próspera is a new place to start and operate a business with predictable and understandable rules and fees. Próspera is what is called a “startup city”. The founders of Próspera refer to it is an economic “platform”. Próspera physically exists as a 600+ acre special economic zone or “ZEDE” on the tourist island of Roatán,…
Buying in to a New Software Framework — Elixir and Phoenix
I think I have finally committed to seriously studying the Phoenix framework and Elixir, which is the language it written in. This is a long time coming.
The Best $40 I’ve Spent in Awhile
My recent decision to purchase Wesley’s (Bytegrad.com) Professional CSS course has easily become one of my best investments ever, and I’m only halfway through the course.
The periodic purging of the website…
I’m once again rebuilding this site to better suit my needs. Check back soon…